Persians in general are healthy cats. They have a life expectancy of 15-18 years, sometimes more. Alot of that has to do with the lines your cat comes from. It is very important to get a kitten from a scrupulous breeder who cares about the health of their kitties and carefully selects kitties only from healthy lines. When too much time is spent trying to create a certain look for a show cat sometimes the health of the cat is sacrificed. On the other hand, when there is no strict selection process and the cats are simply bred to make money and no regard is taken for the health of the cats, again, the health of the cat can be at risk. So my best advice I can give is to tell prospective buyers to be extremely selective about where your kitten comes from. Just because a kitten is cheaper, that does not mean that is the one you should buy. Remember, you get what you pay for, and when it comes to a pet you are going to love and cherish for hopefully many years to come, that saying could not have more meaning!
PKD (polycystic kidney disease)
What is PKD? This is a very serious disease that is extremely common in persians, please click on the following link to read more about it BEFORE purchasing a persian kitten. CLICK HERE
Eye drainage can be a constant problem in some persians, especially the flatter faced variety. I have choosen kitties who do not have eye drainage, so more then likely their kittens will not drain, due to the dollfaces my babies have. If you have a kitten who is experiencing eye drainage, I do have a product that I highly reccommend. It is called Eye Envy. You can go to to order it. The best product they carry is their powder that you use a Q-tip to apply under the eyes after they have been cleansed and dried. You can order the cleanser as well or you can use Contact Lense cleaner for a cheaper alternative, but the powder is a must.
More info to come.....
PKD tested negative Persian breeder
Christypaw Persians
Chinchilla Silver, Shaded Silver, Golden & Blue Golden Persian kittens for sale
Chinchilla Silver, Shaded Silver, Golden & Blue Golden Persian kittens for sale