So as many of you know, I have four children. My second oldest, my son Nick, is my cat whisperer. When Nick was three years old we brought home our cat, Lacey, who turned out to be Nick's soulmate. From the time we brought her home, they have been virtually inseparable. Where you find Nick you find Lacey, where you find Lacey you find Nick. Nick graduated high school this past May and just left for college last week. For about a month before he left Nick and I both noticed Lacey doing some very peculiar habit changes.
Whenever Lacey sees Nick and he walks into the room, she always gets up and looks at him in the eyes and lets out four meows. This is when Nick pets her and then if he sits down she crawls in his lap for as long as Nick will let her stay. For the past month, those meows became extremely loud and commanding, as if she was trying to tell him something, she was commanding him to pet her, but it was more than just her regular meows. Last Wednesday on the morning that we were preparing to leave to take him to move to college, Lacey did not let out her normal meows. She let out only one weak meow. And for the first time ever as he was petting her, she got up and walked over and sat in my lap while he was in the middle of petting her. This is something that Lacey has never done before in her life, Lacey was releasing Nick, she was absolutely letting him know that it was OK for him to leave and that I was going to take care of her while he was gone. There is no way for me to put in words how shocking and out of character this was for Lacey and Nick and I just looked at each other in disbelief, of course I cried, but neither of us could even believe it. If you think that your cat doesn’t know everything that’s going on, you are not giving your cat enough credit, they are so connected to us, we just have to be open and allow for them to show us. They absolutely speak to us in their own way. Since Nick has been gone, Lacey really has not wanted anything to do with me, however, she has been cuddling with Nick’s brother Cody whom is two years younger than Nick and who is also Nick‘s best friend, I feel that Lacey feels that Cody is her best connection to Nick.❤️
I've decided to start a blog to tell you more about Persian cats as well as the environment my kittens are raised in. This blog is going to be comprised mostly of personal stories and anecdotes. A website can be so personal and I know that not everyone does social media. This will be a way for you to connect with my kitties, myself, and my family so that you have an idea of where your future furry child is coming from. :)